In the world of news, only those channels survive which provides authentic updates. Apna News believes in the genuine news only. It let people criticize, judge and make a right decision. With the aim of creating transparency between people and the various fields, Apna News publish Bihar and Patna news.
Apna News let people connect through the different news updates. We provide the updates on politics, games, tourism, lifestyle, poems etc in Hindi and let people perceive the real side of the state. Apna News is a one-stop platform where the website provides readers, viewers, and criticizers all the updates of Bihar that happens in our daily routines.
With each update, Apna News aims to step forward with a social cause that could contribute towards the development of people. In the world of different personalities, we respect different point of views and let others pour their heart out. In the bad and good times of Bihar, wants to create a persona where each and every citizen of Bihar must have the confidence to express and reach-out towards the real world.